Maintain Resistance Poem by Eman Awad

Maintain Resistance

I'm letting you go with no tears,
and i'm letting you go without blames.
My fears are only my fears,
nothing to share here but for our names.
Don't forget my name, just don't make fun of it,
don't say i knew her and i left her, just please, don't.
I assure you, you'll never regret,
and all i told you not to do are the same that i won't.
I won't make fun of you because i love you,
i won't make fun of your name for i loved it more than mine.
I will never show in any place you go to,
i would do it, if i had to disappear, so that you can be fine.
I won't watch you from a distance,
i'll try not to imagine your smile and your laughter.
We have to maintain resistance,
i will, for i'm hurt so bad but you will come after.
You come a way after, when i wait for you,
you come a way after, when it comes to love.
I knew i loved you more that's why it's through,
i couldn't bare not to see me in your eyes, enough.
You come a way after, when it comes to pain,
i wonder, how hurt are you comparing to me?
Why haven't i had you? i'm going insane,
you're often away even with me, you're like mercury.
Part of me is happy, maybe, really i am,
the strength i found in me is easing my existance.
I'm not surprised by you, i totally understand,
i just hope that you stay away and maintain your resistance.

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