Making Love With Art, Religion, Philosophy, Putting Passion In All The Proper Places Of The Earth... Poem by RIC BASTASA

Making Love With Art, Religion, Philosophy, Putting Passion In All The Proper Places Of The Earth...

i made love to books
kissed each page
hugged each chapter like
no other
licked all its covers
slept with it for years

and i made love to
a career
all years showered without spare
my hours are dissertations
all days marked with treatises
all hours danced with
possibilities about a new realm
of academic stairs

i wore caps, those black ones
i was obsessed with black robes
tickling life
with probes

murdering the birth of lofty desires
my life is miserable
without the passion with you

your body i have drawn in canvass
and i throw away all paints
and Chinese brushes burned

your gaze i sculpted on a tree
and the tree was cut
turned into firewood

passion is still there wiggling
like blood in the veins of my arms
pulsating like a breathing salamander
on the ceiling

the room breathes at me
the bed creaks
because i am lying about myself
and suppressed what should have been more

passionate on the grass
and the shores of the white sandy beaches
somewhere in my dreams
the wildest ones

but i learned a lot of wisdom then
got an A+ on restraint
cooling down
like winter ice like beautiful crystals
on my palm

and i learned where to put passion
where i can be perfect again like
the gods of the witty wind

i made love to books
ejaculated on each page
licked each hard page

and i have learned to live
my life
like a gentleman in the room
where faces of men
are straight like Gibraltar pillars

their arms made of marble
their minds
solid as steel and i do not stop
to put where passion must be put
in the proper places of this earth

i made love to mountains
kissed the fog
and licked each cloud
slept on cliffs and
got high
on the wings of the birds of my
youth and

i am entangled on the white thighs
of poetry

my soul my body my hands
made captive
all century....

and i made love with freedom
penetrated love,
ate passion
chewed religion
and i made love with art and i made love
with philosophy

and now, everyone loves me
or at least that is what
i think to be....



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