Man & Woman Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Man & Woman

Two faces of the same subtle world
That constitute the complete world,
Two spins of the same subtle force
That generate all works in universe,
Man and woman are god in halves.

Man and woman in pure forms,
Harmony at its most blissful kind;
Man and woman in harmony spawn
A world of love, peace, contentment,
Where god exists in purest form.

Man and woman are gentle flames
Eager to fill to a single flame;
But, alas, clash shadows 'neath flames
To disturb harmony's fluid flow,
Blur creations with shadows' patches.

A magnetic wind fills man and woman
To pull them together and add to each;
Each is other's need fulfilment, bliss,
And there lies the nature's subtle skill
To stir the world with excitements.

No world is world sans man and woman
To fill colours and flow gentle emotions,
To flood the world with grief and bliss;
Man and woman make life live to live,
Barren like deserts without their match.

Man's half is laid in woman's world,
Woman's half is laid in man's world;
World ordained both to keep diatance
To struggle to reach the other's world;
Like honey's dropp on a sword's edge.

You play with fire to have your half,
Or cower to be safe and lose your Self:
So is the challenge to mould your life;
Man and woman, a pleasant challenge,
Of precious treasures deep in oceans.

Man sans woman, woman sans man,
Empty like a temple without its god;
They fill the void nature created in each,
They work vital forces needed for each;
They share and bare for common good.

Man and woman are length and breadth
Of the live fabric that constitutes life,
Man forming warps to woman's woofs;
Textures are safe till both criss-cross life
To carry their weights across to the end.

Man blossoms woman, woman blooms man,
Both fill around divine fragrance;
Like sun and moon, they complement
And light all the worlds day and night
And make the life a trapeze of pleasures.

Man is woman's needs built to a mould,
Woman is man's needs built to a mould;
And needs in pursuit excite life's course
To network each other to quench thirsts
By ways and means spared by the world.

Man and woman are eyes of life process,
Man and woman lead each other ahead
To treasures of life hidden otherwise;
Woman lights man's; man, woman's life,
If exists the lamp of harmony and love.

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