Mellowed With Vodka And Gin [revised] Poem by Margaret Alice Second

Mellowed With Vodka And Gin [revised]

Mellowed With Vodka And Gin
Preparing for the wedding, found high-heel shoes to
create an illusion of being well-groomed, walking in
them is painful, no way can I stand for any length of
time, I will have to carry comfortable shoes with me;
my feet hurt and my body hates me, how does one
obtain forgiveness for this indiscretion of vanity and
pride - don't know what else to but cannot spoil the
event by looking like a common slob

THIS is the reason drug-use proliferates - nonsensical
fashions like these require the body to hurt, high-heel
shoes demand doses of heroine spiced with cocaine,
mellowed with vodka and gin to ease the pain; fashion
keeps drug wars alive and sadistic grooming leaves a
trail of people in agony; only pain-killers enable the
insanely indiscrete jumping around in high-heel boots,
fashion sandals and shoes -

I love my nephew and show respect by grooming -
but I cannot walk far or stand for a long time; it's the
greatest sacrifice I'm willing to make, my poor feet,
how they'll hate me for ages to come! Hope nephew
realises I'm willing to go the extra mile, though only
by car, I cannot walk but in order to accommodate
his wedding, IF I make it there, I may be hospitalised
with broken ankles and chronic pain -
all because of these shoes!

Saturday 2 March 2013

Gajanan Mishra 02 March 2013

I like and enjoyed this poem Margaret, thanks.

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