Modern Love Xxxix (You Are Going Around Naked) Poem by Liberatore Suffoletta

Modern Love Xxxix (You Are Going Around Naked)

Modern Love XXXIX

Apart, we are sleeping again,
And yet, you are with me,
princess of mine,
You are with me as in that dream, yesterday,
carrying me, in those dark eyes of yours
full of evolving consciousness,
full of eternal desires,
full of your universe,
full of souls from your god
full of caressing woman
who also has desires,
desires for you,
all through a word.

Here, alone, awakening
in a black gondola
riding a grey wave
on a green serene sea of solitude,
I almost hear your plum voice:
remember your silent voice of clouds,
return to gaze into your alert eyes,
the multitude of greens in central park,
the sad blue of the bench,
your cherry red trousers,
your Sunday kisses,
your smile of truth,
your soft bosom,
your words of doubt,
your gentle hand
caressing my face
holding my hand
in manhattan’s rock garden
filling entirely all movements;
brushing my heart with colors
my being with lights,
mountain colors, mountain lights.

Your voice of red dreams calls me
Princess of mine,
from your universe of water,
intentionless and without expectations
to a ship,
embarking for endless sky,
over tall waves of delight.
Our door is open,
salmon have begun singing.
Dreaming they are crickets
Mackeral have begun dancing
Dreaming they are your thighs,
And you are going around naked
in my eyes,
Like a summer rain,
dancing in and out of everything.
And you are going around naked
in my heart.
Awakening from a dream of life
The dark sky is not asleep,
the grass is busy.
Awakening to a dream of death,
I am not I.
I am someone other,
Who walked beside you and
whom I do not see,
who sat beside you and
whom I do not know,
whom at times visits you,
and whom at other times forgets;
the blossoming man,
who remains silent
while the other talks,
the one who forgives,
when I hate,
the one who walks with you
while I am indoors,
the one who writes poetry to you
while the other aches,
the one who will remain with you,
when I die.
And you are going around naked
in my soul,
and you shall always be naked
in my soul.

I have a feeling,
princess of mine,
that we
have struck,
against an iceberg,
down there in the depths.
And nothing happens!
Absolutely Nothing
Green Silence...Green Waves...
Green Nothing Happens
Or has everything happened,
and we are sleeping,
dreaming now,
transcending awe and wonder,
in a new secret life?

Liberatore Suffoletta

Liberatore Suffoletta

Pettorano Sul Gizio, L'Aquila, Abruzzi, Italy
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