Mom… Poem by Adriane Coles


You deserve much more than words can say;
You make me feel I always will pray,

"God, please, be with Mom in a special way.
Give her Your blessings throughout the day.
Show her the meaning, the reason for her to stay.
Let Your angels guard her; don't let her go away.
Help her see the good of Your work; keep the evil away.
Keep her smiling; dry her tears, if You may.
Let her that whenever there's trouble,
She can turn to You; You'll help her struggle.
Let her know that here on Earth,
She'll never know what she's really worth,
But up there, up there in Heaven,
She's guarded by an angel, no, make that seven:

Three on her right to help her hold on tight,
Three on her left to help her have hope in the stars so bright,
And one in front of her to help her see the light, Your light…

Please, let her know how precious she is
In our hearts even if we're not showing this.
Let her know we're always there
To help her out through our prayer.
We may not feel what she's passing through,
But let her know we try our best to do.
Let her know that whenever she's down,
We can feel it without a frown.
Help us see Your goodness through her,
Through Your words wherever we were…"

That's my prayer for you every night.
May this give you hope in everything in sight.
And please, know that wherever you are,
Know that we love you and care

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