Moms Are Great -Happy Mother's Day,2016 Poem by Dr John Celes

Moms Are Great -Happy Mother's Day,2016

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Within a mother's womb,
There lies a home -
An extra-ordinary one -
For babies born!

The seed, a man donates
Is wholesome made
By woman's contribution
In conception.

Women's procreation
Is so complex;
Her body's apt constitution,
Can all perplex.

God made the Eve for man
As companion;
So ideally is the woman
Like a pillion!

The woman's womb befits
Child's growth and stay;
Comfortably, the fetus fits
In every way.

Kudos to womb, God made
For human race;
The zygote grows well as God bade,
All through its days.

Miraculous is human womb -
The baby's home;
Miraculous is conception -
Babe's construction.

The sanctity of womb -
The world accepts;
The harmony within this home -
The world respects.

Allow the womb to do its job
In ways God told;
Or else, humanity will sob
In ways untold!

God made the Eve special,
To procreate;
Each child-birth is a miracle
Of baby's fate!

The womb is God's device
He made so nice;
May women use it as God bade
And make moms great!

‘Happy Mother's Day! '
Copyright by Dr John Celes 3-05-2016

Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: mothers day
Dr John Celes

Dr John Celes

Tamilnadu, India
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