Mother Earth's Prayer Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Mother Earth's Prayer

Oh Lord of the Heaven,
With your mercy I was born,
As your wonderful creation,
Free from any dirty pollution.

I was fresh and green once,
But untold misery now I face,
For not one, but many reasons,
Thus causing erratic seasons.

Forests many I’ve lost
As my children had cut
Trees after trees countless,
Just to build concrete jungles.

Pumping out my stored water,
From my underground reservoir,
They replace it with foul water
That is gushing from the gutter.

In the name of underground test,
They not only disturb my rest,
But pound the top of my belly
With an atom bomb, really.

I give them all rich food to eat,
But why this way they treat
Draining all my resources out,
And piling on me every waste.

Shocking news, one more, I hear,
That in future, not far off, but near,
The mobile phones’ killer waves
Will destroy all our friendly bees.

When the bees perish like this
Who’ll pollinate the flowers?
Will it not affect the trees?
Oh God, answer me, please.

Is there no end to their greed?
Why they drive me to plead
For Your mercy every day,
And to solve this, is there no way?

Oh God, let the bees hum!
Give more protection to them!
Let the bee-population swell!
Let Your Earth prosper well!

Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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