Mother Of Mine Poem by Paola Elizabet Mateo

Mother Of Mine

My mother once said, 'A boy will never treat you with respect, but a man will risk his lifes work for you'.

I told her, 'What if he tells you to trust him that he loves you and would never hurt you.'

My mother said, 'Then he is lying to you, only a real man who loves you would show you in every way possible.'

Then I said, 'What if he already has, what he gave everything he had? '

She looked at me, and asked 'Whats wrong? '

I tell her in tears and broken hearted, 'He died yesterday I told him what you told me. He left a basket on the door step the day beforethat had a note, money, a metal heart necklace and a card that said my soul.'

She opened her eyes wide.

I said 'He wrote down, 'Here is everything I worked for, my love for you, and my soul I will always love you the only thing I own that I can risk for you is my life. Please my love never forget me or the love we had.'

She looked and asked 'Why would he do that? '

I said 'He wanted show how much he loved me so he left me alone and broken-hearted.'

I loved him so much

My mother...

Mother of mine...

Your thoughts made me lose the one love I ever had...

Mother of mine Oh mother of mine.

Paola Elizabet Mateo

Paola Elizabet Mateo

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
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