My Bleeding Heart Poem by Ezna Stephna

My Bleeding Heart

When you need me my son
I’m always there beside you
Journey of rainfall and storm
Cracking all bars through
Daylight or nighttime
Any task cannot stop me
To reach your side at anytime

But when I need you my son ……..
Why you reject to be there
Why you disregard and injury me
Why you bring tears in my eyes
Why you give me a great deal of ache

Just because ………….
I’m getting elderly and fragile
I’m unwaged like I utilize too
I can’t offer you lavishness life
I can’t make you fly over the clouds
I am vulnerable and elderly

My son your treatment will be....
A gift I 'll accept it till my last breath.

I vow to ………..
Fulfill your desire by any means
Across the seven seas
I depart to my final destination
I will educate you to be a gentleman
To brighten your life on my last breath

Today you proof my motherhood
To tell me go out of the house
Now your sister take care of 90%
You wake me from the reality of life
That mother’s love is not valued
All valued in your life is self centered

I will leave your side eternally
Fear not I won’t take your merit thee
Nor seek your support or ask you
To call me Mom with respect thee

My shoulder is still physically powerful
To carry my own needs …………
My God is bona fide he provide me strength
And will be with me on my showery days
Until death kisses me. ….

Farewell My son God bless you always
He will fulfills your wishes
Be cheerful in your life
As motherliness won’t be your shadow
You have transgression love of motherhood
and had her heart bleed– D. D

Written by Ezna Stephna
Copyright: 21/7/12/dd

Motherhood is sanctified by God as a substitute of his angels all over the world to guard his children. But these days’ children have no consequence or admiration of their mother. There is an additional son who always upset his mother and makes her heart bleed..........
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