My Golden Wife Poem by Vincent Onyeche

My Golden Wife

#Verse I

O yes… we can be friends
On earth and in this life that ends…
But don't go all day tripping and thinking
I am but several exciting lonely portraits.

At home; in me is a she in my heart
I push for more for she's important,
Her sunshine wakes me up in delight
Guarding me to bed by moonlight.

The heart of man is polygamous
Not me, for I've got respect in who she is…
A wife that compels me to stay alive
With a light of goodness and sincerity.

#Verse II

Don't delve into the private areas of my life
For she's the best you can ever find
She's got that skills of a kitchen and a knife
She's the best, come to think of.

My broken bones and pieces
She did bind and amend:
I can't forget, before it got smooth
It was once ruggedized and rough.

Two rivers at confluent: that was us
Then the tides came with such a force
But now we flow in one direction
And that is love, please don't mention.

#Verse III

She owns every stitches in me
She made me the image you see
So never send the thunder to her
For she is the only achievement I admirer.

We are each other's lightening bolt
Our hearts reach freeze only in our absence
And comes alive in each other's presence
Love is an ocean, together we paddle the boat.

You can admire and love my fight
But please note, I have a goal in life
That turned my rural heart into a city
And this goal is my golden wife.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: desire,love,poem,wife
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