My Heart Is Flaming Coz Of Her Poem by Samuel Segun Toluwalase

My Heart Is Flaming Coz Of Her

Rating: 5.0

She walked in across the west
Her steps headed for the East
The we meet and she crushed the vary distance and now my heart is on Fire
For You

Oh, my heart grew and my love for her like the morning due
Oh darling my heart's on fire
For You

She meet me in the dark and lifted me up
i fell in love with her bottom up
And there's no way I'm letting this stop
Everyday in everyway, she makes the my heart beat up

I want to live with you
Coz you were there for me when i was alone
So i want to grow old with you
And maybe when we're ghots

The flames within never goes low
Flying beneath the sun, our loves bakes on and on
We have had the better of days but the best are yet to come
Our love says never and never

Months gone running and hiding but i live with the joy that i'll see you again
So my heart flames coz of you

My Heart Is Flaming Coz Of Her
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life
unknown 24 March 2020

i love you sweet pea

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