My Love...I Love You Sweetoo...... Poem by Firdaus Ahmed

My Love...I Love You Sweetoo......

The same heart beats in every human being all the time
Don’t know why the pace haunts only me every time.
But deep enough the breath I take
Feels a sweet fragrance, and my eyes get wet

Even for a moment, she never goes out of sight
With her endurance and love she makes my life bright.
In all her silence and in all her expressive word
She reminds me always that I’m on top of the world

I dreamed I am walking with her on a beautiful plain
Blowing waves touching me with a shower of rain
With All the beautiful stars in Heaven that shine
And all the happiness, which are mine

I am feeling alone in this world till she comes
Struggling to live as, flowers do to blossom
Suddenly I felt like hit by the cold wave
It feels like darkness of the silent grave

Every night, I admired you sleep thinking of your beautiful eye
Looking at you, when the moon was shinning in the sky
Your Ignited eye leaves many questions to me
That has been already said so many times

And we have been on many thousand line
I know I am far but not out of sight for a single time
Only love give life strength, only Sweetoo give it a charm.
It’s all I have to give you today, and my wishes are warm

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