My Pets And Me Poem by Nassy Fesharaki

My Pets And Me

My pets and me

Before comes the weekend
The members of ANVET
Do gather for the supper.

Evening, Friday,
I sat at the table.

Though at the same table
We are the tectonic plates,
Single Earth and the layers!

Many talked about pets
I remained calm, silent…

But maybe my eyeballs,
My forehead, eyebrows,
Reacted, were too loud.

I thought of my lambs, goats,
And the chicks, hens, and cocks,
In my head memories, donkey rides.

Waited till the dogs talk
Became the candlelight,
Then spit my words out.

Not too poor and not rich,
Had our house and we lived.
In the suburb of the city,

For going to school
I had to cross farms
Of the fresh produce.

There, among the gardens.
Students were afraid
When alone, by ourselves.

My friend and guardian
Was my dog, she, female.

Punctual and well-behaved,
Strong, sharp, and brave.

Each morning's school time
She arrived right on time,
And waited near our house.

With the dogs' smell sense
She felt me on my way.

Walked with me to the end
Of the walls of gardens.

Looked at me for goodbye,
Each of us had our job,
I headed for school,
She became a phantom…

When, at noon, I returned
She came and appeared
Like Jennie of the bottle.

She left me at home and
We parted to own lands.

A day came, by sunset
I heard her complain,
Went close and saw her.

Had gotten pregnant,
Was in pain of labor
But could not deliver.

Saw her bag was half out,
She breathed very hard.

The amniotic sac stuck,
She spoke with her eyes.

Too young, a schoolboy
Thought of a kitchen knife,
Saw a blade in the bathtub.

The sac was for my cutting,
The bag's water was freed
And with it came the babies.

I, still see her thanks…

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