My Poetic Journey Since 2013 Poem by Roxanne Dubarry

My Poetic Journey Since 2013

Obviously, I have been on a continuous
poetic journey, on this website,
since 2013. It is currently
December 21,2016!

I have chosen to travel on
this poetic road without
charting any course.
I have not used any
compass, but have remained
true to my conscience.

I have freely shared: my
heartaches and my fears.
Year after year, this
site has been faithful
and true. It has been

I choose this opportunity
to thank you for what has
become my poetic journal.
I have shared my private
thoughts and conclusions.

Perhaps I have even
sometimes changed directions.
I am neither always wrong,
nor always right.
I have clung to Jesus Christ,
and accepted his free
gift of eternal life.

I have frequently been
unfaithful and true.
Yet I have always returned
to my childhood faith.
Trusting it is not
already much too late.

My poetic journey has
been an ongoing path ways
of my poetic and creative
writing life. I chosen
to rededicate my life
to my beloved LORD and
Savior- Jesus Christ.

I have not been called to preach,
(at least not lately.) But
I have been chosen to write
about the many spiritual
pitfalls in my life!
Yes, Jesus Christ has
given unto me,
the gift of being
able to write!

I freely testify surrender
to willful and habitual
sin need no longer be
victorious over me!
Jesus Christ promises
to completely forgive
and renew my mind!

'Oh, death where is thy sting!
Oh, grave where is thy victory! '
Once I became saved you have
no more authority over me.
Freely I close those doors
Satan has entered in!

My poetic journey means freely
renouncing generational and
spiritual curses! Curses are
very real today!

I was cursed with inherited mental
illness! But I have chosen to '
turn my scars into stars! Type 11
diabetes also runs in both sides
of my family tree. They both
will be defeated by the power
of Jesus Christ.

I claim divine healing of:
my body, mind, and soul.
My poetic life has
been blessed indeed!
Often I share how
Jesus Christ has delivered
even me!

Jesus Christ has
really blessed my
poetic journey. He
will guide me until
the very end of my
poetic journey!

Jesus Christ has given unto
me the gift of inspirational
poetry and writing creatively.
He promises to remain faithful
and true. God is not a mere
mortal man, therefore, he can not lie!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: perseverance
I have both shared my poetic journey, as well as my personal Christian life on this website!
Roxanne Dubarry

Roxanne Dubarry

Seattle, Washington
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