My Sweet Love Poem by Kayla Solano

My Sweet Love

My sweet love
The one I turn too
When things turn out bad
The one I can run too
When everyone else turns their backs
You are my life
The one that I can depend on
When everything fails
The one I can snuggle up too
When I am scared
Baby, my dear
You are everything I've ever dreamed of
The one I can count on
To lift my head high
When everyone puts me down
My dearest darling
You mean so much to me
And a whole lot more
My knight in shining armor
I love you to the depths of my soul
From the bottom of my heart
I hold you as close as close can get
Every night I lay my head down to sleep
My life flashes before my eyes
And I think to myself
I am so much happier
Than I've ever been
When I look into your eyes
I see myself growing old with you
I can tell you love me
Baby I've been through slot
And I hope this time
With you my love bear
I twill be different
Cause the love I have for you
My feelings for you
Only get stronger
I honestly believe
We were meant to be
My baby my teddy bear
You are my life
If I was to ever loose your love
I don't know what I would do
I hope we can work through our hard times
And make good memories
Thank you so much for giving me a chance
To love one another
and to cherish each other
My love for you is no lie
And i hope you feel the same way my sweetness
I am madly truly in love with you!

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