My Sweetie! Poem by Alice Cordy

My Sweetie!

A weekend away.
Plenty of things to fill our days.
No matter what it brings,
turn up the music and let’s sing.
Sing a song or two.
Doesn’t matter if we sing out of tune,
as it is the month of June.
Forget all your woes,
time to dance on your toes.

Meeting at the airport.
WOW! Who is this special sort?
One whom spending a few days with me,
defiantly will not disagree.
A weekend planned.
All I want is to hold her hand.
Show her how special she is,
as my mind is in a fizz

Friday night,
will be a sight.
Dressed so divine,
that will blow my mind.
The scene is surely set,
a spectacular sunset.
Sipping on a glass of wine
over a dinner so divine.

As the night progress,
off comes the dress.
Revealing a sexy body
only wanting to be naughty.
Dress in lingerie,
showing all my glee.
Hunger for the touch,
wanting to unleash so much.
Don’t let things go too fast,
Let’s just let it last,
Slow it down
As she show me the town.
Pleasure and joy
Oh Boy! She’s more than a toy
She is surely a hottie
And my sweetie.

Thursday, June 11, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: love and art
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