My Wife Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Poems

My Wife

She came like fullmoon
In a blinding dark night,
She spread creamy light
Across the horizons;
She lighted my world,
Blunted my pain
By her sweet smile;
Though not an easy role,
She did it on her own
To sweeten an ocean
Soured by worldly odds.

She fell on to my lap
Like an apple ripe
From nought, nowhere,
While shattered, I was,
Staring the vacant heaven,
And frozen in stillness.

She stirred me from there,
Brought warmth and hope
And opened a new gate
To a lively garden world,
Where I happily found
Greens, colours, flowers,
Trees, shrubs and creepers,
Inviting me to behold.

It was a spring come,
An unseen experience,
Uncommon exhilaration
That carried me forward
To see a new world;
Relegated to oblivion,
And receded grief's flood,
I invited new world
And dipped deep to life.

It was her magic
That hid all my sorrows,
Drew veil on the past
And I recovered to new life;
Light as a lovely bird,
She flew all over my life,
Soft and sweet, fragrant
Like blooming blossoms,
She hovered all over,
Made life light and bright.

From where she came
And how she came,
Steeped in my burrow,
I then bothered not;
She came, she won,
She took to her arms
And led me to sunlight,
To a new world,
I never thought exists;
It is her strength,
It is soul's wealth
That showed second world,
Hidden in grief's shadow,
Opened up in brilliance;
It is my wife,
And I salute her life.

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