Mystery Of My Life Poem by Prabir Gayen

Mystery Of My Life

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Mystery of My Life

You say, I avoid You,
How can I avoid my self?
Have you ever seen
heart avoids breathing?
The moon avoids the Sun!
How very often did I think
to open my heart onto your mind.

As the earth is attracted to the Sun
And the moon revolves round
The earth I am to you,
Moonlight can not be effaced
from the Moon,
The earth without its flora and fauna
is a useless rock,
You are the source of my life,
The deep-rooted love in your
heart for me is my Joyous existence,
I am accepted through You
In this vast vicinity,
You are the thread of My being.

This life is a great mystery to me,
Day and night I roam with blank mind,
Nowhere didi I find any light and hope,
Mystery deepens the more I try to find,
With pain in my heart I am lost,
The vastness of the creation and
the blankness of the existence
Make me out of myself,
I am nothing and nothingness dawns
Onto my bare heart full of mysticism,
Like a humble bee I am enticed
to noteless fragrance,
Upon awakening I find you
In my heart waiting for me.

First, I thought you to be someone
from the realm of heavenly abode,
Then I felt you in every inch of my heart,
In the vein of my body and in the
vibration of my being,
I felt you in every breath
and in the very Source of my living,
Every incoming breath brings you
and every outgoing breath adorns,
You are inside myself as life and death,
Mystery remains a mystery
And you are the greatest mystery to my
Mind and my untouched Soul.

@prabir Gayen
9: 14 PM. Wed.May 19/2021.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: cute love
Mystery of Life
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