Natunawan Poem by Jaime Jesus Borlagdan


Duluhan na kahadean
sa tunaw na timakan
suanoy na osipon
an harigeng hurandigan
hala-hala kan mga aki
an kudal na sarig
sa hangos na hirarom
su mapa ikinurit.
Hangaw an linderos
turo an muhon
buda su mamunda
haloy nang nakalubong.
An poder kan trono
nakatukaw sa dampog
pigmangno kan moog
na butang bulakog.

Yaon an digdi ngonian
nakatugdok, nakaulakit
sa itsura na taros
pulinas asin padangadang.
Arog kan paros
lipod na sapuyong sa kadahunan.
Siyudad na nalunod
sa pagtaob kan kalingawan.

Lunad sa abaga
kan daing herak na Habagat
nagdudumig an matang
nakamaan sa tangod ta
su gadan na dato
nakapatos pa sa bodyo
kataning su mga oripon
na sa pasaka pinaghugot.

Agosto 10,2004.Karangahan.


Village kingdom
on vanished land
ancient tales
its lean-on pillars
follies of children
its support walls
in deep breaths
its maps were drawn.
Hearsays are its borders
a pointed finger its mons
and the one with this knowledge
is in the grave long gone.
The domain of the throne
sits at the clouds
tended by the watchtower
wide-eyed blind.

It's here now
erected, co-existing
in the from transparent
faded and arriving.
Like the breeze
invisible slap to the foliage.
A city drowned
by the high tides of forgetting.

Riding the shoulders
of the merciless south wind
teary eyed
looking down to us
the dead datu, king
still wrapped in a bodyo, funeral shroud
beside him are the slaves
which in the pasaka, ritual
were self-slayed.

Jaime Jesus Borlagdan

Jaime Jesus Borlagdan

Tabaco City, Albay, Philippines
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