Natures Design Poem by Damian Cranney

Natures Design

Rating: 5.0

I walked by a winding babbling brook,
Which reflected like stars the beams of the sun,
As they shone on the watery stream having fun,
And the ground was all dappled, in shadow and light,
Creating a picture of contrasting delight.

The day was just meant to be enjoyed to the full
As a warm balmy wind rustled leaves in the trees,
And a carpet of bluebells, were surrounded by bees,
I followed the path that others had worn
Past a field with some Lambs recently shorn.

I was worried because of a fox I had seen,
And as if to confirm my worst fears had been right,
I came upon a sheep hurt in a fight,
I tried to get near, but it's fear made that risky,
However, it was still alive and was frisky.

The rest of the day was spent wandering and free,
And for a short a while I rested, under a tree,
At the edge of the woods, with the sun in decline,
I made my way home in a mood quite benign.
Thinking how wonderful is nature's design.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: nature walks
Unwritten Soul 08 August 2016

You mix the excitement, wory, and some other emotion in your adventurous write, and thats make your poem sparks! :) keep it up

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