Ndola Poem by Isunge Mwangase


Ndola that's where the story is set,
At a time my eyes were barely open,
And spirit was too afraid to let
Me say what I wished most to happen,
There in Ndola, lived a girl I adored,
I loved her as the grasses, the rain
And safely in my soul she was stored,
But to tell her so- my lips did refrain,
She waited and waited but in vain,
As my love grew as deep as my pain

I can't say she didn't give me signs,
She gave all sorts a lady can give,
Placing them on the lows and highs
Of the shelves of my senses- all five
But courage to tell her I had naught,
I practiced and practiced but failed
Despite her being my only thought
The only sea all my emotions sailed
She waited and waited but in vain,
As my love grew as deep as my pain

In my heart I had already told her,
And the world that she were mine,
They could see my halo around her,
Hear my nightingales to her so fine,
Others professed love simply it seemed
Yet my mouth couldn't say the words
My spirit so passionately screamed,
My songs became stabbing swords
I tried and tried to tell her all in vain
And each day this made me insane

It has been nearly a decade long,
Having her, I am now largely too late,
Though at times I hope she'll along
Come to me, being a believer of fate,
Would I do it right if she came back,
Or would I again act as I did before?
Would she think that I've lost track
Of the boy she had loved at the fore?
I will never know, I've lost her forever
That is the reality, my ever and ever.

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