Nigeria Poem by Oluwagbemisola O. Lawal


Rating: 5.0

In a world that's filled with tales of woe,
Where shadows cast upon the land we know,
I stand here, with unwavering belief,
For in my heart, a flame of hope finds relief.

Nigeria, my homeland, my cherished place,
Where dreams converge, a vibrant human race,
Though dark clouds gather, obscuring the light,
I see a glimmer, a future shining bright.

Amidst the chaos, the struggles we face,
A symphony of resilience, we embrace,
For Africa, a continent so vast,
An untold story waiting to be unmasked.

The media may paint a picture, stark and grim,
But I refuse to let their narrative dim,
For I have witnessed strength within our core,
A spirit rising, yearning to explore.

Yes, there are challenges we must overcome,
But unity and faith shall not be undone,
We're bound by ties that history has sewn,
A tapestry of cultures, beautifully grown.

With every sunrise, a new chapter unfolds,
A tale of triumph, no longer untold,
Each page, a testament to our resolve,
As we rise above the problems that evolve.

I see the youth, a force ready to ignite,
Their dreams igniting with passion and might,
They'll shape a future, bold and full of grace,
A Nigeria, adorned with honor, in its rightful place.

So let the world hear this anthem that I sing,
Of a land that's destined for a soaring wing,
For though the road is tough, we'll never break,
Our spirits soar, determined, wide awake.

I still believe, my heart will not be swayed,
By negative stories, the doubts others displayed,
For Nigeria, my love, my home, my pride,
Shall rise above, with greatness as our guide.

A beacon of hope, we'll shine across the Earth,
Dispelling darkness with a spirit of rebirth,
And as the world witnesses our vibrant flame,
Nigeria, Africa, shall forever reclaim their name.

So let us hold hands, bound by a common dream,
Together we'll build a future that will gleam,
For in unity, our strength shall be found,
And Nigeria, its greatness will resound.

In this book of life, a new chapter will emerge,
A symphony of progress, a triumph to urge,
For now, we keep hoping, our spirits never wane,
Knowing that one day, Nigeria will be great again.

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