Not A Fan Club Poem by Khloe Chace

Not A Fan Club

There's a crowd of a bunch of giggling girls
Filling up your porch and yard.
But if you oculd just hear over the sound of screaming false love,
You might heat the rocks I've been tossing up at your window.

Youre fan club isn't the same as me.
They see you just for what they see.
The girls, they giggle and flirt, don't care if you're hurt.
But I care about you more that I do me.

I'll never be part of your fan club.
I'll always be in a group of only just me.
Because I'm the only truth teller when I say 'I love you'.
You can't fake this kinda of intensive feeling.

Who do you talk to when you feel nobody cares.
Who do you go to if the monsters start to make you feel scared?
Who is it that you tell all your secrets, not a worry about being judged?
Who is the girl who would hug you if you cried, smear away a smudge?
Who's the one who can cheer you up when you feel all hope is gone?
I used to wonder who, til the day i met you

My love for you compared to their's, it's like an ocean.
An ocean compared to a single dropp of tear.
A tear that glides down my face and slides off my cheek.
Leaving an almost invisble trace that I've fallen.
And that trace, maybe it's not easy to see, but it's pain living the body.

Who do you talk to when you feel nobody cares.
Who do you go to if the monsters start to make you feel scared?
Who is it that you tell all your secrets, not a worry about being judged?
Who is the girl who would hug you if you cried, smear away a smudge?
Who's the one who can cheer you up when you feel all hope is gone?
If you're still wondering who, look to the girl who would do this all for you

But by the end of the day,
They've all gone home, got tired of the wait.
But when closing time comes and they shut out the lights,
I'm still here.
Now with the quiet silence, if you'll listen,
You'll hear some rocks tapping your window.
You'll see me, exhausted, trying to make another throw.

Next time you feel alone, want someone to care,
Glance out your window, and I assure you I'll be there.


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