Not Okay Poem by Mike Smith

Not Okay

Rating: 5.0

Truth be told there's really no other way to put it right now: I'm not okay.
That is to say, physically, sure, I've got my health still and my youth (arguably) .No known hindrances holding me.For some reason I've begun to feel empty.Hollowed out by my unfortunate brain chemistry and left as a walking shell of the person I know myself to be.
Not much lightens my mood.Rarely do I ponder deeply about anything.Few and far between are the instances that bring me a sense of satisfaction of self.Things I would normally find joy in don't appeal to me.People I seek company from feel like uncomfortable situations to avoid.My mind is full of thoughts constantly, but none of them have any substance or context or relevance to the environment I'm in.My thoughts are a drivel of mumbling monologue with no basis and no purpose other than to occupy the silence.
I'm on the sidelines of life waiting for the coach to sub me back in to the game.Merely watching my existence tick away on the scoreboard as I try to catch my breath and regain my composure.Except that my teammates, my coach, the cheerleaders, the fans in the stands; they didn't realize I left the field.Didn't notice me shun the Friday night lights for the anonymity of a spot on the bench.The shadow of my presence seems to fool the average onlooker.
This has happened before.This very thing.In this very way.Where I just sort of drift away mentally little by little until there's not much left of me that people would recognize if it weren't for my appearance and voice.It's happened quite a lot to be honest.More times than I'd probably admit.
I hate it.I feel like a proxy, a pathetic imitation of the man I strive to be.An imposter with just enough skill to pull off an illusion but none of the talent to live up to the name.But, it is so all-encompassing (this nothingness that I experience from time to time)so bearing down and impossible and unshakable, that I repeat my wrong and submissive behavior time and again.
I slither away from my reality and hide out.I shelter my fragile and burdened ego with isolation from the outside world.I retreat and surrender and accept that I'm no match for this overwhelming feeling of ineptitude and unworthiness.I stand elbow deep in the quicksand and observe in silence as my body, slowly but surely, descends unimpeded into the abyss.I don't cry out, I don't resist, I don't search for something to break me free or even slow myself down.I just give up.And wait to be swallowed by my misery so entirely that the world (hopefully)just forgets I was ever even a part of it.I dream yearningly of nonexistence.I feel pathetic.My apathy cripples me into inaction.My idleness verifies my unworth.My lack of value reciprocates my apathy.
I'm virtually trapped. Shackled into an insurmountable agony from which I fear I might not escape.

Mihaela Pirjol 16 July 2019

This poem has that unique quality of 'stream of consciousness' flows in streams of consciousness...on the other side, it is able to identify itself: and whatever it is identified, recognised within our own selves, it cannot control us! Pure emotion, pure poetry!

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Kelly Kurt 16 July 2019

Not to sound cliche, but this is poignant on many levels. Keep writing, Mike!

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