Nowhere Else [rev] Poem by Margaret Alice Second

Nowhere Else [rev]

So delightful the hours spent in the office, how quiet
and lovely the soft schwissing of my small, portable
air-con, how reassuring and soothing to have Sister
Self-Complacent bustling about with a definite air of
self-importance - even when little underlings answer

The phone she comes running with all the flair of the
Head Matron in a Government Hospital, an agitated
expression on her determined face because it's such
important business - this taking telephone calls when
a colleague is absent and she often gives interesting

Tips for telephone etiquette since she is the Master:
as the dazed Peablossom, I made it to the office this
morning, fazed by a long weekend and confused as
to purpose and meaning of life - when reaching for
the ringing phone Sister Don't-Mess-With-the-Head-

Matron, Important-and-Self-Complacent, sashayed
out of her work station firmly taking it from me - the
wilting goblin-fairy; using her dramatic official tone,
I feel the emotion vibrating because she got upset
by my cheek to answer in her presence: OH, it's a

Great privilege to be here with the comforting drone
of Mimi's voice increasing the feeling of sleepiness,
what a fantastic day - how glad Peablossom is that
she's here - and nowhere else in the universe…

Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: humor,irony,satire
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