Oddity Time Hurt Realization Poem by Clinton Siegle

Oddity Time Hurt Realization

Hurt in closed time curved reality.

unique humming in my head reality.

relativizing force me to cry.

time to watch a closed time curved reality.

Realization of the last paper John von Neumann.

eternity, whether you screw with all weeds or all the seeds,

all in the end does not matter.

living to your best.

Indeed, Being, righteous, even godly if you are entitled.

zeal does not matter while matter is light frequency stablized.

almighty has a plan for time.

time is of no importance in a closed time curved loop reality,

in fact, for those that can see time moves these days.

open your eyes believe time travelers are among you.

now is the end of a reality.

To realize everyone you would talk to today has been dead.
opens a wound and realize that this too is an illusion.
How else can the dead talk to me?
open your eyes your world is dead to me.
wounded yet alive I walk among the dead today.
As for the tour question about time.
we walk among you in time.
we are watching time.
hoping for a change in leadership.
open your eyes evil both parties.
no war with Iran no war with Iran.. repeating through space-time and coned light.
no war with Iran..

Oddity Time Hurt Realization
Monday, March 23, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: time
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