Ode On Thee… Poem by MBJ Pancras

Ode On Thee…

(A Citation poetically designed for a compassionate person)

Thou, the shower of generosity, with the rain of compassion,
‘midst the soil of new generation drench the land with richness,
Thou hast the heart of nobility and hast learnt the ebb and flow of life,
A wounded dove would take its shelter in thy palm,
A bruised deer hath been tended gracefully by thee,
Thou art always a lyric to the young and the old,
Thy merciful deeds have a Homeric epic, yet unending,
Embedded with stories within stories, all have their unique plots,
Thy demeanor hath the traits of Shakespearean plays,
Each of thy gestures depicts classic poetic dogma.

Thou, a kind of relic carved out Grecian sculpture,
A master piece of thy own and distinctive work of art,
Thou art embedded in the stems of plants grown ‘across elsewhere,
The sprightly dance of branches and plants display thy footprints,
The rustling of leaves, the lullaby of the morning birds proclaim thy words,
Thou hast been the West Wind relishing the seeds laden and yet to be born,
Thou art zephyr, which hath a friend of rain and spring,
And thou canst transform bleakness unto gracefulness,
Even a child of tears can be transformed into a child of joy
When thou lookest at the child with thy compassionate eyes.

Thou art exemplified on the murals elsewhere thou hast worked,
Thou hast been a living sculpture carved in everyone's heart,
Thy mellifluous words of comfort are the lasting panacea unto broken souls,
Thy Inscriptions and charity, delved in the lives of fellow-beings.
Thou art always a ‘wake-up' call to the gloomy hearts,
Exceptionally traversed thro' tunnels of smog and fog,
Thou hast been lifted speaking the glory of success,
Thou hast walked on thorns and spikes, and learnt the art of life.
Thou art a lesson meant in the book of life,
And we shall study each of the syllable transcribed ‘cross the leaves of the book.

Friday, March 20, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: compassion
of a woman with compassion
MBJ Pancras

MBJ Pancras

Chennai Tamil Nadu India
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