Old Pair Of Shoes Poem by George Krokos

George Krokos

George Krokos

Samos, Greece (Now lives in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)

Old Pair Of Shoes

Rating: 5.0

I really now miss those old pair of shoes
although I had others from which to choose;
we would both be seen as a handsome pair
and they were the shoes I preferred to wear.

We'd mostly walk about each day in two's
and liked nothing to ever hide our views;
they were always so willing to comply
without any questions of how or why?

Once or twice I also had them repaired
as those old shoes became a bit impaired;
together with a good polish and shine
they would both look like new again in time.

I often wondered how long they would last
going by some others had in the past;
it seemed that at least for a good while yet
they would never cause me to feel regret.

Though it was so unexpected one day
they'd been left somewhere and taken away;
I didn't recognize it at that time
but they were the object of someone's crime!

I now recall that day with a sad heart
due to circumstances right from the start;
how I'd put them on and gone for a walk
then see people look and begin to talk.

It never occurred to me some would steal
the things covering each foot's sole and heel;
there must be some people in this world who
are jealous of what shoes you're wearing too!
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Sunday, January 10, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: old,walking,wear,crime,foot
Based on what most of us have had in our lives.
Kumarmani Mahakul 10 January 2016

Very amazing expression shared with reality. Interesting poem shared with broad vision.10

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George Krokos

George Krokos

Samos, Greece (Now lives in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
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