On Inverloch Night Is Descending Poem by Francis Duggan

On Inverloch Night Is Descending

On Inverloch night is descending the sun has set over the sea
And the currawongs call on the foreshore on a high branch of an old cypress tree
In the chill of a mid Winter's evening the stillness is almost profound
I stand looking out on the calm sea and beauty I see all around.

If there is an Earthly Utopia from here it is not far away
The poets in their poems on Inverloch have always such nice things to say
The artists have sketched it's beautiful beaches it is such a livable place
Inverloch the pride of South Gippsland it's beauty who would not embrace.

Even in the depths of the mid Winter the seaside Town it is not cold
It would be a nice place to live in and amongst the clean sea air grow old old
But this is not a place for poor people houses in Inverloch expensive to buy
The nearer to the beach the more expensive the houses
And even for those renting homes there the rent is quite high.

On Inverloch night is descending on a nice and sunny Winter's day
The currawongs pipe on the cypress and gray butchebird in his cloak of gray
Is fluting on a coastal wattle as darkness it creeps through the sky
On an evening to remember and cherish and a memory to recall and enjoy.

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