On My Deathbed Poem by GK Talabi

On My Deathbed

It was on my deathbed that I realised the world is beautiful
And that I had not lived my one and only life to the full
I look back and regret all the opportunities I did not take
Too afraid people would laugh in case I failed or made a mistake.
Disappointed at not doing things I could have done there and then
But kept putting them off until tomorrow or until God knows when.
Never experiencing the joys travelling the world could bring
Even though I could have easily travelled on a shoe string.
Wish you could see how I followed the crowd too scared to stand alone
Now here I am in a hospice all on my own.
It pains me I never expressed an opinion or spoke my mind
Forever worried that people would say I was unkind
And my thoughts and opinions are still in my head
As I lay here in a hospice on my deathbed.

Just before I take my last breath
Before I leave this beautiful earth
My advice to every, man, woman, young and old
Time waits for no one, we have all been told.
Big or small take every opportunity that comes your way
Make the most of every minute and hour, never waste a day.
If it needs to be said then for goodness sake let it be said,
Don't let your ideas and opinions lay dormant in your head.
Jump off the bandwagon and quit following the crowd
Take a leap of faith, stand alone and do yourself proud.
Follow your dreams and set the Thames on fire
Let no man say "you can't achieve your heart's desire".
Be quick to forgive others and forgive yourself too
Letting go of anger and bitterness will surely help you.

The world is beautiful I do declare
Look at the blue skies, the green grass and birds of the air
Look at the deep blue sea, the valleys, mountains
Creeks, rivers, lagoons and fountains.
The stars at night could lead me astray
Just like the yellow sun on a hot summer's day.
The dawn chorus is sweet music to the ears
It drowns out sorrow and allays my fears.

Heigh-ho there's nothing more to be said
Its goodbye from me to you on my deathbed

Thursday, October 17, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: dead,life and death,lifespan,sadness
This is a short poem about life and death. The character is reflectingon his life from his deathbed.
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