On Receiving An Email From Dan Twohig Poem by Francis Duggan

On Receiving An Email From Dan Twohig

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I did receive a surprise email today
From a man that I knew when I lived far away
In Millstreet School he was in my classroom a primary school going boy
And just hearing from him to me a gift of joy.

Not seen him for twenty five years in time a lengthy span
Dan Twohig I recall as a very nice man
A down to earth fellow untouched by conceit
He now lives in Dublin far north of Millstreet.

From the fields of Annagloor he now does live far
A journey of five if not six hours by car
But in his heart a Millstreet man he remain
And Annagloor's loss has to be Clontarf's gain.

Like me he is one who lives far from Millstreet
And though Dan and I we may never more meet
An email from him stirred a nostalgic tear
For a place that in distance is not anywhere near.

Millstreet in Duhallow where my life's journey began
Where from a baby I grew into a man
Dan Twohig in his email took me back in time
To the place where we lived when we were in our prime.

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