On The Forums Poem by Francis Duggan

On The Forums

On the internet literary websites the opinionated are not rare
Their idea of what is or is not good writing with the World they do like to share
The praises of those they think write well they do sing
A small bit of knowledge is a marvellous thing.

They forget that seemingly gifted writers are born that way not made
And that everyone that writes is of benefit to the wordsmith trade
That all writers for the benefit of literature their own part does play
Though success and money seen as important in the World of today.

On writers and writing they like to have their say
But that is how they are some are born this way
But having said that one must give them their due
For without them there would not be literary internet forums that is obviously true.

On the internet literary website forums they offer free advice
And they do not seem shy their opinions to voice
On very few subjects they find harmony
It does take all kind with that would you not agree?

Carola Hume 14 February 2019

i totally agree with you francis! ! ! very factual poem

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