Our Expanding Universe Poem by Gary Witt

Our Expanding Universe

Rating: 5.0

My life is a struggle
To keep words small
And thoughts big;
To speak precisely, and
Rest without sleeping.

Each day I lose
And have to begin again.

I fill myself with
Noble sayings, and
Seek quiet emptiness
At the banks of a river
That slips gently over
Round, speckled stones.

Each day I lose
Because I have closed my eyes.

Today I watch the sparrows,
Frail and nervous,
Hating to walk,
Waiting to fly,
Hoping to wake to the stars.

Today I shall lose,
To those elusive stars.

Tsira Gogeshvili 04 June 2011

Mr, Gary - You have credo of the knight - 'My life is a struggle To keep words small And thoughts big; ' I welcome for this word with my two hands. But here you speak still more 'Each day I lose And have to begin again.' It is fine, only I wish you that you avoided from work Sizife.... 'I fill myself with Noble sayings, and Seek quiet emptiness At the banks of a river That slips gently over Round, speckled stones. ' I admired with these lines too. But when you speak that 'Today I shall lose, To those elusive stars. ' Except a sparrow nobody does not sympathize this, in our severe world, believe to me, But there are exceptions - romanticists, as like me, Sincerely, Tsira

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Bull Hawking 20 August 2010

Gary, this poem has many branches, a trait of good poems in my view...but then who's talking about seeing...right? Losing one's sight even for a moment means a 'victory of the void' Yet sleep and blindness are not voids where imagination takes over in dreams or visions. I have begun to doubt the blanks now and refuse to see them...a sign of poetic crisis? A masterful poem Gary soil for 'growing my own'. see ya, g

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