Our Reward Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Our Reward

You are the hot spring of my cold heart,
You are the deep root of my life's spread,
You are the tall fire of my soul's prayers,
You were my past and you will be my future;
But you are mere shadow of my luckless present.

I know how you traversed from frame to frame,
From scene to scene behind the stage
Like a trapeze artist or monkey's trail
In pursuit of goal common with me,
In direction direfully opposite of me;
I know your breath, heartbeats, cry deep within,
I know your fears, nightmares and those pains,
Your resolve to reach and courage to fight
And abandon to throw life to waiting wolves
In the long traverse to our cherished goal.

You are immortal light without a fire,
A pure progression sans obligatory reactions;
You are the light without shadows,
The might without challenges in a frightful world,
Because you are always pure like fire
And sublime like sky beyond common calls,
Untouch'd like gold, and glittering like gold
In purest of pure shine deep within your soul;
You never focus on yourself,
Only seek your post day and night,
Though you know, you never lose that ever,
For, it is your life and soul put together,
It is your light, you are beholden to reach
Thro' sojourns of myriad rise and fall
We are condemn'd to traverse before we meet.

Clarior e tenebris;
Beyond whatevr we harked or saw,
Or fancied as our fate together will be -
A hard labour'd and earn'd reward together,
Sweeter than honey and brighter than sunshine,
An immortal sprout of our tears and blood,
Of devout yearn we suffered for each
In helpless grief of shattering pains
Life after life in several lives
Awaits to greet and unite forever
The forlorn parts of the same shattered soul
That saw the parts as her and me,
Orbitting each other in endless circles
In mad endeavours to conjoin again;
It is our fate, it is our reward
For all our grief denser than oceans;
Post tenebris spero lucem;
All is all right at the end under the heaven
If one awaits long enough for God to intervene,
For, Gods never cheat their own offsprings.

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