Outsider Poem by David Harris


Rating: 5.0

The many childhood memories that I have
are lonely ones of being an outsider.
I never mixed very well
and was always the last one,
other children wanted to call a friend.
I was a quiet person
who spent much of his time alone
buried deep within his own thoughts.
At classes, I always got the lowest grades,
on vacation I almost always was on my own.
I would sit for hours just pondering on my thoughts.
I never grew out of being an outsider,
different from the rest.
My early life was over shadowed
by younger sister whom my parents adored.
Every achievement that I made
my sister could do it better.
Not only was I an outsider at school,
but also at home a well.
In 1959, I left the shores
of the place I called home
to go back to the place of my birth.
Not until forty-two years later
would, I set foot on that soil again.
Things in the world had changed,
but not so much for me
as I was still a stranger
in the land I called my home.

13 November 2008

JoAnn McGrath 29 December 2008

past pains can be so real in the present.....it's hard to see what we really have become....we short ourselves.everyday.because of the haunting past...IF WE COULD ONLY SEE HOW OTHERS SEE US NOW>>>>THROUGH THEIR EYES we could see we are alright...much better that we think

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Alison Cassidy 26 December 2008

This is very moving David - and true too, I have not doubt. So sad to have been one of the kids that weren't picked for the team, or invited to share sandwiches with. Ironically, the 'popular' kids are often the saddest, with troubles they hide under their bullying. Your childhood sounds awful though. I wonder what changed things for you? You must write a sequel to this one. Love, Allie ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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David Harris

David Harris

Bradfield, England
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