Owning The World Poem by victoria martinez

Owning The World

Big walls painted a ripe red they hide the truth behind them
Because that’s what people in this world dread
It’s so nice to hear lies they sooth your ears
It’s so nice to not have to see things for what they are
Relaxing to just cover everything up and have only shallow views
Love that beauty that is skin deep; we love it so much
That we never search for anything else
If we found beauty in intelligence; the ugliest people would rule
Solid timing brings me to my knees
Time is something that I can’t buy AND it’s not free
We all get a certain amount… the worst feeling I get is when people doubt
They look at me with squinting eyes and I can feel their thoughts flood me
Like cutting the breath from my lungs
Flogging my face with their looks and pushing my thoughts back into me
I’m supposed to be this amazing person with the perfect flow
But, how am I supposed to express myself in front of my foes
And I’ll make a list of all those people my enemies
But, my list ends up being one word “the world”
And once again the over whelming of my list brings me to my knees
It’s like I have to become better than everybody
It’s like I have to rule my life and theirs too
This kind of responsibility could cause someone to just give up
But, I suppose I must try
Cause in 80yrs I know I’ll look back and feel complete
Because no one will have owned this world like me

Gina Onyemaechi 08 February 2006

Strong feeling, Vic. Hey listen, you need more readers. In case you don't already know, people will tend to read you if you read them. As a start, I recommend you Scarborough Gypsy, Sylvia Chidi, and Charles Chaim Wax. See how you get on with them. Warmly, Gina.

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