Panacea Poem by Dibakar Purkayastha


The melancholy shrouded over my interminable silence,
after she left,
A total void all over!

I lay everyday in agony, like a corpse
Since she had left me
We spent in immense happiness together
Had our dance together, in dense forest
Drenched in rain,
under those pinewood tree
But she didn't come again
She didn't come again.
Oh the void!

The pain within me transmuted
A furious need to remonstrate with her,
And lay bare her all wrong
If i meet her one last time
I w'd go for an imaginary argument
I rehearsed;
Didn't she owe me one last chance
At least to find those days of rainbows
Once again?
Oh the void!

Oh! The ruthless beauty
My mind leaps up now for all those
you left behind,
All touches, all kisses and all love
We made, would remain in my heart
forever, my merciless dear
Oh! A void again!

I feel you my darling, when I pick
a single piece of your hair
lying carelessly on the linen
where we made love for last time,
The lipstick stained goblet
you sipped your drink, the ashtray
holds stub of cigarette butt you stamped,
A void surrounds me!

I would pick up the empty goblet
that has touch of your lips
I would rub on my cheeks, to feel you
I would pick the cigarette butt
rub on my lips, my tongue
to feel, taste the saliva
your mouth contained, to kiss
and feel all places of the room;
Your sweet aroma you left behind
Oh! The panacea of my life.

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