Paradox Poem by Desiree Whitamore


Rating: 5.0

she likes fighting when she's mad,
hurting when she's angry.
she likes saying how she feels
and loving when she's happy.

she won't be a piece of meat,
and she's against the war,
she'll tell you what she wants,
she always wants some more.

her religions only music,
she's learned that god betrayes her.
if you tell her where she's going,
she'll go where you don't want her.

no designers in her closet,
she rocks the chucks and jeans
she feels best in thrift store bargains
but she looks great in anything.

her daddy got her thinking
that she's not worth the love
so if you plan on falling in,
she hasn't learned to trust

if you tell her that she can't
she'll give a: 'try me' grin
and that will shut you up
cause she just proved she can.

if you do her wrong,
and hurt her for another,
she'll show her crazy side
she gets it from her mother.

she was raised on ignorance,
won't have that anymore.
if you try to lie to her,
you'll be dropped right on the floor.

she doesn't plan on being
another girl cliche.
if she doesn't like your temper,
she'll be the one that got away.

her heart will keep on beating,
even if you leave.
she's stronger than you know,
but she's more human than you think.

and she'll continue teaching
cause you cannot stop learning
but she'll let you know beforehand
tell you to heed the warning.

what you're getting into?
it will not be easy.
but if you love her truly,
then her love you'll be recieving.

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