Part 1 Of The 'More Than Anything' Series Poem by hollie ash

Part 1 Of The 'More Than Anything' Series

Tonight, more than anything, I wish that I could touch you. Break down the barriers of hurt to see that we're really the same after all. I would like to stretch out on the other half of the bed and hear you breathe in the dark. We would simultaneously inhale and discover that we feel so all alone. I would bury my face in your back, so that you would know there is life behind you. I would put my hand on your heart, so I could feel life too. We would not say a word, or need to. And, for once, we could both fall asleep in the now instead of in the what-if's. When I awoke in the middle of the night to your legs tangled in mine, I would not feel trapped - I would feel understood. And if then we separated, it would be because we both were secure in everything, but especially in knowing the other was there and it was okay to reach out. Just feeling your weight on the other side of the bed would be relevant, would make me feel safe enough to exhale completely. More than anything, I wish I was there or you were here and that we were unafraid.

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