Past Poem by Lisa Bray


losing feelings for the past..
realizing theres more i look around the darkest of shadows.
trying to break the chains the had bound me he for so long.
with each tug more and more pain is inflicted on my skin.
The pain was not as bad as you'd think it would be..
but the fact of change of heart and soul changed a person like me.
after years lingering in the shadows with hate with in my heart.
i am so close to freedom of my hate and these shadows.
the thought sent tears to my eyes.
Still these chains will break and when they do..
I will trade me horns in for a set of wings and a halo.
i will beg for forgiveness for i have wondered away from the light.
i know i will pay the price for having such hate against everything.
Everything that made me who i am.
i had you'd my past as a reason to not face the change.
yes change hurts sometimes you don't realize how something has changed.
everything changes for better or worse...
For me my change is for the better of all of us.
My hate was too strong i couldn't fight it by myself.
One person gave me the strength to fight inner demons and come out of the hell i was in.
He showed me that my past was just another step to what is ment to be for me.
He showed me the was more then hate.
But there was love. he showed the love i couldnt find in the past.

Lisa Bray

Lisa Bray

indiana, Indianapolis
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