Ph: Love: Potty Mouth Poem by Brian Johnston

Ph: Love: Potty Mouth

My girlfriend has a potty mouth, (in part she learned from me) ,
It's freed her to express herself, and that's a victory!
But Truth can be a two-edged sword, some days I have regrets.
Oh Lord, the things she says to me (that Love, I deem, begets) !

I guess I should be glad she feels so safe expressing fear,
But even Mahler's Symphonies, unchecked, can damage ear!
Her fears? Without relenting, ocean waves upon my shore
Whose crashing grinds sand 'finer? ' "Quoth the Raven, 'Nevermore! '"

Can Love be cast as 'Martial Law, ' "You bend, or I will break?
Your freedom is a threat to me! " I think it's Love's mistake!
For I must be as true to me as to one by my side,
If I'm to dream that Love exists at all. How is that pride?

Though death and tax are proof we live, it's Love that I would serve,
Our futures wend their merry way, take more and not less nerve,
I love to love and to be loved, but not all Love's a fit,
If our life's not a cloth you'd wear, then where's its benefit?

If I'm a plaid or make you itch, and you love cooler silk,
Don't make me wrong for being me, at least I do not bilk
By singing songs I hate (you like) . If I am not a match,
Just say, "this doesn't work for me though you are quite a catch! "

I cannot say what's right for you; I only speak for me!
'My friends' are ones who 'I call' friends and not your fantasy!
I could be right; I might be wrong; the lesson's mine to learn.
ALL JUDGEMENT's an offense you see, a truth the wise discern!

All knowledge is opinion Love! Men barely touch the Truth,
But I have mine, and you have yours (though you dream you're a sleuth) !
If reason dims in later years, and life is just a stage,
Unchained, I pray to hold you near! Be blessed to act your age!

Brian Johnston
13th of July in 2019

Saturday, July 13, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: humor,love and life
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