Ph: Poetry Writing: An Appeal To, As Yet, Undiscovered Poets Poem by Brian Johnston

Ph: Poetry Writing: An Appeal To, As Yet, Undiscovered Poets

Rating: 5.0

Undiscovered poets hear me, to PH draw near,
This just might be a good chance for your views to ring clear.

An email address you need to get up and running,
Huge monkeys it‘s said could really write something stunning.

So grab paper and pen, come as soon as you canna,
But don't forget please sir to bring several banana.

Enough monkey typewriters might just supplant Shakespeare,
Given enough time (and assuming plenty of beer.)

We don't have all day but trust me. I have a good hunch,
With banana enough friend we don't think about lunch.

So let's all hop to it just see man what we can do,
If monkey shenanigans truly carry us through.

Show literary typos the ace in our pocket,
By lighting the fuse to our post (English) grad rocket.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: poetry
Brian Johnston
May 6,2014

If you would like to give this poem a rating, please do so in a comment that is separate from your regular comment if you leave one. Many poets, including myself, have been experiencing visits from hard to identify PH members who like to damage other's poem's ratings with illegal multiple votes of 1.0 and make a mockery out of normal voting. You voting in a comment field helps me to protect your rating of my poem which they wish to destroy. I know that this is a bit of extra work for you, but believe me it is appreciated.

Poet's Notes:
Brian's bastardized Jamaican English explained….
...'PH' - PoemHunter (you know man, the site you be on right now)
…‘Huge' - a synonym for ‘a great many' or ‘a large number of'….
…'canna' - a synonym for ‘are able to, ' or slang for ‘smoke a joint, ' dare I say it
.................'cannabis! ' (Serendipitous luck I assure you. I'm not that smart.)
…'banana' - the plural form of banana. Hey it's my poem!
…'supplant' - a synonym for ‘prove to be better than' as in ‘my pot's better than
.......................your pot'….
….'beer' - an alcoholic beverage you always think you can drink more of….
…'shenanigans' - an Irish? word that means ‘horse play' or ‘sculduggery'….
…'typos' - a new hip word comparing Poetry snobs to a misspelled word….
…'ace in the pocket' - a way to cheat when playing the card game Poker….
…'post(English) grad rocket' - a new poetry craze that English majors can't crack! .
Abekah Emmanuel 22 September 2014

Your poet note is as helpful as the poem itself. It is really amusing but insightful. I enjoyed it. well done!

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Abekah Emmanuel 22 September 2014

Your poet note is as helpful as the poem itself. It is really amusing but insightful. I enjoyed it. well done!

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Chris G. Vaillancourt 12 May 2014

Well done! Full and rich and so detailed.

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Kevin Patrick 08 May 2014

Enough monkey typewriters might just supplant Shakespeare, Given enough time (and assuming plenty of beer.) HA HA HA! this gets my thumbs up as does the entire work, there are a number of qualms that I have with the way poemhunter acts now, and you hit it on the head in this very witty, and quite charming work with satirical wit. Let the critics die on their blade of judgment. Their is a reason why 100 monkeys can write Shakespeare, they have greater depth then a critic.

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