Ph: Poetry Writing: Can't Make Me Stop! Poem by Brian Johnston

Ph: Poetry Writing: Can't Make Me Stop!

Can't make me love you less than vapor's cloud spins pillowed nest,
Or star condemns implosion that brings elements to life!
Should your love find a treasured home in someone else's chest,
Will nature shrug off color if, at last, you're not my wife?

A rainbow's curving beauty signals flooding won't return,
And how much more do seasons offer hope that comes in Spring,
All blossoming in seed's rebirth! It's wrong that lovers yearn
For seasons change? Though flowers fade, may vines yet find a string.

My poem's not a fragile path or breadcrumbs on the ground,
That worms devour or leaves obscure, its music's waves move air
That carries birdsong, rhyme as well. I pray its Truth's not drowned!
Oh, let all magic conjured up, serve faith, that none forswear!

Though boundaries restrain us all, let metered verse contest
The limits poets buy into, imaginations soar
Through dark fields, photons race to plump! Let no muse be depressed
By wagging tongue or sullied rhyme, man's future's just one door!

Brian Johnston
25th of April in 2019

Poet's Notes:
Let me publicly thank ‘' for allowing contributing poets to delete all ratings (and comments) on a poem they object to. Several new poems (‘Life With Kimmy! , ' ‘Oh, Don't Blame Me! , ' and ‘Can't Make Me Stop! ') were given a 1.0 rating today by a sad anonymous troll who apparently feels no admiration for my rhymes. I am sorry for the state of your soul, Sir or Madam, and hope that God is able to bring you peace someday!

I would consider allowing your 1.0 rating of these three of recent poems to stand, but alas, you seem unwilling to defend your values with a comment that has virtue or suggestion as to how I could make a poem better. I could also give myself a 10.0 to replace your rating (and probably deserve it for this poem) , but my poetry is its own reward. Your opinion appears to be only dog poop or simply hatred for some reason.

Thursday, April 25, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: poetry,writing
Kumarmani Mahakul 25 April 2019

Nothing can stop you from writing. You should continue writing. A brilliant poem is shared.

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