Philly Recall Poem by B. V. Dahlen

Philly Recall

“Up the alley” “Down the shore” are places that still hold
memories as clear yesterday itself
ragged pavement stumbles, skipping feet bound in Keds

or catches noisy metal wheels of roller skates.
bound to our feet with metal clamps
adjusted by a string strung key around our neck

pigtails fly behind the bike ascending to our lot
where crick meandered and pollywog played
and breezes captured nature in tiny slices

then back again to Philly row home waiting
where on the stoop a familiar playpen stands
imprisoning now a sibling also waiting for escape

and when the rains confined us to the inside
we’d play at checkers or monopoly
or argue incessantly much to Mom’s dismay

over toys and cellering books
or who’s crowns were broken and who’s were whole
and who was better staying in the lines

and summertime we wedged ourselves
between a birdcage and TV
to journey to our shore respite

in Daddy’s jammed and smoke filled car
we’d recite rosaries with undo speed
begging for a safe arrival there

One stop allowed for potty breaks
and since our vehicle had no AC
some wooder ice to cool our throats

Then pulling up to bungalow
adorned with shutters bearing Bs
To claim our ownership and pride

We’d tumble out and quickly lug
whatever was required and then disappear
exploring familiar spaces of our summer fiefdom

B. V. Dahlen

B. V. Dahlen

Hampton Roads, Virginia USA
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