Physicality Poem by Kenneth Maswabi


It is hard to argue with the hard surface of reality
Always pointing at the solid substance of matter
Picturing it with gigantic mathematical equations
Showcasing it with wild chemical reactions
We have encapsulated ourselves into physical beings
Denying everything that points to nothingness (spirit)
Hiding everything that denounces our doctrine

Physicality seems to be imprinted everywhere
Yet it's almost impossible to distinguish the real and the unreal
From atoms and molecules to the whole universe
Everything we see depends on the workings of our consciousness
Our thoughts and ideas are all born out of nothingness (unknown)
Yet we choose to point to the hard surface of reality
As the sole source of reality

The five senses has inflated the physical world
Overpowering the hidden sense of intuition
Erasing any sense of hope
We are now struggling with the idea of Love
A spiritual reality that is more potent than anything we see, hear, touch or smell
Love is now an insane concept that lies outside the perimeter of accepted physical model of reality

Physicality also forms the base for our preconceived ideas about our origin
Planting a gigantic malignancy into our psyche
We chose evolution rather than creation
Hiding behind our physical features and erect stature
We destroyed all evidence pointing to the existence of the soul (spirit)
Obsessed with tormenting those who are different
The colour of the skin has been a weapon of choice for thousands of years
Annihilating those who are perceived to be different
Pushing billions of dark-skinned people into abject poverty
Pitting neighbours against each other
The cosmetics of colour is an enormous industry
From finger nails to the colour of our eyes
We are continual obsessed with our outward look
Neglecting all the contours of our spirituality
We have been blinded by the intensity of our ego


Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: consciousness,life
Kenneth Maswabi

Kenneth Maswabi

Maun, Botswana
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