Politician: Would You Send Yourself? Poem by Michael Sweetbird

Politician: Would You Send Yourself?

You might send someone else's child:
But would you send your own
to where dying is mild, welcomed and wanted
compared to crush of brain and and blood and bone?

And if your son or daughter waves
'goodbye' while marching in the ranks:
would they know you're thinking how war pays
big bucks to manufacturers and banks?

Do you think you'll really care
if your son or daughter comes back home;
as long as values of corporate shares
increase.. at least those shares you own?

Or, maybe you'll have second thoughts
about your son or daughter being bombed or shot:
you'll pull them from the marching ranks
and get them jobs in cozy banks:
there are other people's kids to send;
so you'll send those poor to their bloody end.

Yes, you'll send those bloody poor
whose education is delayed
by lack of money or ability..
what good are they, anyway?
Except to serve you your lukewarm pablum
in your wretched, lonely, nursing home
when you are old, feeble, unwanted, grey
in that wrteched, lonely, nursing home
where justice and judgement roam.

Yes, you might send someone to be bombed or shot
while you cry loud 'YES' to war and pelf:
But will you leave your nice, warm spot
to send your bloody self?

Of course not!

Effie Yalena Steyn 09 February 2008

Genius. An absolutely amazing poem, ones like this don't come along often, but when they do they reduce me to pulp in my seat- which is what I am now, your words are that striking. Well done, love Effie.

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Mary Nagy 19 April 2006

A great point Michael! I'll admit, I doubt they would be sending one of their precious kids but, you can be sure there are recruiters hounding kids in their highschools promising world travels and free college! This is wonderful! Sincerely, mary

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YES YES YES AND YES..... obviously not to the question raised by you in this wonderful piece, but to the question: is this the sort of issue that should be raised on PH more often? ! Mr S-B. You got it. Nerves tingling, as poetry should effect. Write more.....? !

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