Pouring Rain: Poem by Putri Misnia Shary Bahri

Pouring Rain:

Pouring rain drops in the evening
breeze of January 5th longing to be
in his embrace hope he will be there
when you return home from work
wishing to be in the embrace of his arm
in the pouring rain
never know that you missed him
just to be in reach of his arm
where the secure belong of your heart
just knowing that you have been loved
by him, a missed of kisses a missed
of his warm embrace hope he was there
road way just to wait you for a kisses
and an embrace just to be warm
with loved

The heart speak it out through silent
kisses and warm of embrace like the
pouring rain drops as a tears
like the drops of tears fall
turn to ice cube in snow

looking at the gift polyresin fairy
like a mystic romance out in the blue moon
in love, like the sea bay around your love
somehow the polyresin fairy look alike an
angel only the difference is the wing
somehow you have your guard watching
over you while you awake or a sleep
imagine that it was him who watching over you
for sure ever human has their angel

your heartbeat come alive
loving someone is the value part in life
which brings the meaning lead to happiness
no one can ever take it away from your heart
its like the heartbeat which make the human
alive and to understand the meaning which
make out the precocious to your heart
like the air of oxygen

If only I have a driving license
I know I would have take you
to the place that no one knows
to the secret hind out just for the
two of us, privacy out of the crowded place
the place where no one ever trance us
Loving you to the fullness of my heartbeat

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