Proceed If You Dare Poem by Suburban Lovechild

Proceed If You Dare

We charge into battle,
Everyone side by side,
Prepared for inevitability,
Through the course of the ride,

We'll get cut, we'll get hit,
We'll get smacked around often,
While our critics and enemies,
Pray that we soften,

Our most secret of weapons,
They cannot detect,
They can't buy it or steal it,
Or, for themselves, resurrect,

It's knowing, for certain,
That we will prevail,
Knowing how to succeed,
Knowing how not to fail,

Our relevant outcome,
We cannot predict,
The time, place or nature,
The fate that we picked,

You choose a direction,
And follow it through,
Use all of the power,
That's inside of you,

If this becomes habit,
A worthy addiction,
Dreams turn into life,
From mere interesting fiction,

Some call it hot air,
Or simple lip service,
From unknown results,
That make you so nervous,

Precisely, my point,
If you can't control,
Anyone or anything,
Except for your soul,

The power of one,
When squared or when cubed,
Remains just the same,
One less than two,

But add to it slowly,
No multiplication,
Your singular voice,
Has mass replication,

So, bring on the battle,
There's strength in our lot,
Enough to defeat,
The fear that we fought,

The battle is over,
And we remain standing,
Our feet have absorbed,
The force of the landing,

Our win is subjective,
To what was at stake,
Our real intentions,
Or those we forsake,

Did we attempt,
Did we progress,
Was thinking and action,
Used under duress,

What more can we ask,
But response-ability,
Set goals and plans,
Build its facility,

Push ahead, gather,
Supplies for the journey,
Including first aid,
And a one-size-fits-all gurney,

So, here is my hand,
Please take it somehow,
My other I need,
To wipe sweat from my brow,

Because one thing is clear,
Despite smoke in the air,
We'll win going away,
Proceed if you dare.


Sunday, June 5, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: courage,failure,progress,result,struggle,victory
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