Psalms 23 And Commentary Poem by Roxanne Dubarry

Psalms 23 And Commentary

Psalms 23
(a psalms of David)

The Lord is my Shepard; I shall not want.
He makes to lie down in green pastors:
He leads me Besides still waters.
He restores my soul: he leads Me in paths of
Righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though
I walk Through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no evil: For you are with me;
Your rod and your staff they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence
Of my enemies: You Anoints head with oil.
My cup runs over; Surely goodness and mercy shall
Follow me all the days of my life:
And I shall dwell in the house of
The Lord forever.

Commentary by Roxanne Lea Dubarry

This trilogy began with our Pledge of Allegiance, included the
Lord's prayer and ends with Psalm 23.

David was a shepherd and the seventh son of Jessie. When God rejected Saul as king, he sent the prophet Samuel to anoint one of Jessie's sons to be the next king. Samuel and Jessie went through six of David's older brothers. But God chose David because he was a man after God's own heart. Man judges the outward appearance, but God judges a Man from inside of his heart. Instead of outward appearance. God saw The hearts of Jessie's older sons as being filled with pride. Pride is Not a Godly virtue! Lucifer's original sin was pride and arrogance!

David and his men were fugitives from the jealous rage of King Saul. Just as the Lord watched over him when he was tending his father's Jessie's flocks.David knew he would still remain his good Shepard.

He longed for the carefree days of his youth. When he was able to lie Down in green pastures besides the still waters. He restores which Meant he kept his soul safe from harm. Restores means to refresh and To keep in mint condition. David trusted God to be the guardian of his Of his soul.

David trusted in his Lord totally! Because the Lord is righteous, he Was able to allow David. The ability and willingness to follow in his Footsteps. And God would accomplish this for David, "for his name's Sake."

"Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death."

David killed both a bear and a lion while he was a shepherd boy. He killed the giant Philistine giant, Goliath. He was a lead solider in King Saul's army. He was the husband of Saul's daughter, Michele. David had frequently visited "the valley of the shadow of death."

And now once again David's life was in double jeopardy! He knew he Would not die because of God's promise to anoint him as the next king Over Israel! No matter how depressed, or hopeless he felt. He clung to
To God's word!

"I will fear no evil for you are with me."

He did not fear the Philistines or King Saul the forces of evil. Simply because God was with him. The same God who was with David, is With us as well.

When David was a shepherd he used a rod and a staff to protect himself And his sheep. He knew God would use his to protect him and his men.

God prepared a table before David in the presence of his enemies.David and his men were well provided for by God.

"You anoint my head with oil."

David was once again flashing backwards to the time of his anointing As the next king over Israel. Olive oil was used to light the lamps. During the hours of darkness.

David's cup of blessing overflowed with God's mercy and grace. It Truly did run over! We have the same cups overflowing for us today.

It has been said that angelic beings are called goodness and mercy. And they follow believers every where they go. Regardless David Believed God and it was accounted for his faith. He trusted God to Have good things in store for him. He could depend upon his mercy! They would follow him for the rest of his life. And had followed him In his past as well.

David knew he would dwell in the house of the Lord forever. He knew he Would end up in paradise. After his earthly days were through. Paradise was moved from the center of the earth to the third heaven. After the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! And though David is dead, he speaks and his alive to this very Day. God is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living.By Dead, God means spirituality dead and lost souls. Satan is their God Instead! Each one of us must give an accounting of our lives before God!

Love in Christ Jesus!
Roxanne Lea Dubarry
Roxy Lea 1954
Roxy 1954/October Country
June 27,2020

I was following the Lord's instructions to post this trilogy on line and comment upon it. It was divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit!
Roxanne Dubarry

Roxanne Dubarry

Seattle, Washington
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